Monday, March 22, 2010

修了作品展の写真 Photos from the Graduating Exhibition

芸訓練支援センター竹工芸科の、平成21年度修了作品展。おかげさまで、基本課題作品は全部売りきれ、会場はたくさんの観客で賑わいました。友達や久々に会っていなかった知り合いも、初対面の方もたくさん観に来てくれ、私たちのこの1年間の活動について熱く語る機会に恵まれてとても嬉しかったです。修了生の中にはお客さんから注文を受けた人もいましたし、対話やアンケートでたくさんの貴重な意見をいただきましたので、別府ではなく大分で開催した甲斐も感じられました。 これからは、学校でではなく、社会(世界)に出て竹製品産業に関わる活動をみんな自分なりの形で続けていきますので、今後ともご愛顧、ご支援のほどよろしくお願いします!

Here are a few photos from the 2009-10 Graduating Exhibition of the Oita Prefectural Bamboo Crafts and Training Support Center. It was great to see friends and old acquaintances at the exhibition and have the chance to talk to them about our year-long work. Some of my fellow students received special orders for baskets, and we all received a lot of valuable input from bamboo craft fans about their individual design preferences. This year the show was held in Oita's Tokiwa Wasada Town rather than Beppu Tokiwa, as was done in previous years, a decision that turned out really well. With the school year finished, now students will go their separate ways, some working for local companies, some working independently, some studying other styles of bamboo crafts in other parts of Japan, and a few will continue studying at the school in 2nd year program. I owe a great deal of thanks to everyone who came to the show for their patronage and support, past and future.

The basic assignments, neatly stacked or lined up on tables, await the store's opening. When the doors opened at 10, a flood of customers, some running, rushed to grab their 3-items-per-person maximum.

At the demonstartion corner, Mr. Uchihara shows the entire process of making the Shikainami (四海波) basket, from splitting the bamboo to tucking in the last strip.

Mr. Ishida (yellow jacket) talking with customers about the basic assignments. The lunchbox (called "tofu basket" long ago, named for its primary function), was the most popular, selling out within minutes after opening.


(above and below) These are some of the special assignments, called oyo kadai (応用課題) in Japanese, literally meaning "applied problem." Skills learned throughout the year in the basic assignments were "applied" to make a new and different, more complex basket. Each student took 4-6 weeks to make his/her own work, with a total of 18 unique products being exhibited. Each type of new weave, or variation on a weave we had already learned, challenged us in new ways. Special assignments were sold at prices between 18,000 and 30,000 yen (about 200-300 US dollars)--a steal considering the market prices for items like these are well over 100,000 yen (1000 dollars) a piece. Considering how long it took to make them, however, the real problem we students face after graduation is how to make high-quality bamboo products likes these at a much quicker pace.
This is the basket I made and submitted. I'll show more images of this basket and explain the process of making it in another post.
Mrs. Fujistuka and her two grandchildren who bought my basket. I was told recently that she is using it as a flower basket in the foyer of her house.

1 comment:

  1. hi Stephen, I've been following your blog for awhile, and then you disappeared. I hear that you are in Portland. I'm a Japanese American basketweaver who has taken workshops w/ Jiro Yonezawa, and I live in Eugene. Could you please contact me regarding future workshops? (I can't attend the one next weekend.)


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